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Electric Arc Spray Wire Liner Installation

Here's an instructional video on how to properly install liners in electric arc spray coaxial cables to ensure proper compression.

Electric Arc Spray Consumable reorders, including coax cables, can be found here.

In an electric arc thermal spray coating system, ensuring that the liners installed in the coaxial cables are under compression is crucial for maintaining proper wire feeding and preventing misalignment.

When the liners are under compression, it helps keep the wires straight and stable as they are fed into the spray gun. This reduces the risk of wire jamming, twisting, or breaking during operation, which can lead to inconsistent coatings, system downtime, and costly repairs.

Proper compression also ensures that the electrical contact is maintained, which is necessary for consistent arc generation and optimal coating performance.

Learn more about Thermach Electric Arc Thermal Spray Coating Systems here, or contact us with any questions about Thermach Thermal Spray Coating Systems.


Commonly referred to as twin wire arc or metallizing, electric arc thermal spray is one of the most productive and economical thermal spray processes. The coating material, in wire form, is deposited on targeted substrates in molten form, creating extremely strong bonds. These coatings can serve as protective, decorative, or functional purposes, and are known for longevity, durability, and versatility.

Thermach’s Electric Arc systems are designed to lower operator fatigue, are capable of robot integration, and significantly reduce maintenance costs.


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